Viladomat Music Project

It is an educational (…)

Here is another example of an engaging practice that, from a professional experience, fosters students’ SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT. By school engagement we mean students’ observable participation in school activities, sense of belonging to classmates and teachers, and valuing success in school-related goals.

It is implemented by: Teachers

It is directed at students aged: 3-5, 6-8, 9-11

Target group: Whole school approach

Main subjects involved: Arts and music, cross-curricular

ICT involvement:  no

Description of the practice: It is an educational alliance between Puig-Agut School and Manlleu Music School. This project was born from a proposal of the Working group of School scope in the framework of the City Education Project (PEC) in Manlleu. The project stems from the philosophy of Tandem Schools or Magnet Schools. This alliance opens the possibility of developing an innovative project, with quality, catchy and attractive enough to become a role-model project in the region.

Three teachers from the music school in Manlleu come to our school to give community chorus lessons and teach musical language to students. The music teacher of our school fosters these activities and introduces a musical instrument – the ukelele.

The project has different objectives:


  • Improve the students’ artistic competency, especially the musical one.
  • Foster students’ cooperation skills.
  • Reinforce educational equity.


  • Foster educational opportunities beyond school related to students with a disadvantaged socioeconomic situation.
  • Improve the students’ artistic competency, especially the musical one.
  • Foster family participation in musical auditions.

The Catalan Educational Administration announced us that we are part of the pedagogical innovation program araArt with the Viladomat music project.

Accessible to any student: yes

Meaningful participation for every student: yes

Why? It is an activity done in the school during school time.

Support to the practice: yes, the external involved agent: Manlleu City Music School. Economic subsidy of Manlleu City Council

Does this practice promote students observable participation in school related activities? It is an activity done in the school during school time

Does the practice promote students sense of belonging to classmates, teachers and school? Because of the 100% participation of our student. No exclusion for economic reasons…

Does the practice promote students giving value to success in school-related goals?

Link with more information: Website |

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Funded by the European Union