The caterpillars (…)
Here is another example of an engaging practice that, from a professional experience, fosters students’ SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT. By school engagement we mean students’ observable participation in school activities, sense of belonging to classmates and teachers, and valuing success in school-related goals.
It is implemented by: Teacher
It is directed at students aged: 3-6
Target group: Class-centred
Main subjects involved: Maths, Science and technology, Arts, Physical education, Social skills, Digital skills
ICT involvement: yes
Description of the practice: We have created a small butterfly house that allows children to observe the butterfly transformation process. The caterpillars make their cocoons until they turn into butterflies and can be released into nature.
They start in September with the collection of the caterpillars, which are then fed with the plants they come from until they make their cocoons. When they are born, butterflies need the sun’s energy captured by their wings to heat up their muscles so that they can fly, so when they are born on rainy days, we have to keep them in an artificial garden until there is sun and they can fly away to freedom. Through children engagement/involvement in the activity we observe the participation and envolvement. This makes children aware of the importance of living beings for the environment, encouraging them to care for and respect animals from na early age.
Accessible to any student: yes
Meaningful participation for every student: yes
Why? Everyone gets involved in the process of observing and feeding the caterpillars.
Support to the practice: no