Running dictation

The running (…)

Here is another example of an engaging practice that, from a professional experience, fosters students’ SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT. By school engagement we mean students’ observable participation in school activities, sense of belonging to classmates and teachers, and valuing success in school-related goals.

It is implemented by: Teachers

It is directed at students aged:  9-11

Target group: Students

Main subjects involved: Science

ICT involvement:  no

Description of the practice: The running dictation was used in mathematics lessons on the topic of multiplication with decimal numbers. For this, the arithmetic problems are hung up in the class. At the beginning, the pupils get a piece of paper (information sheet) with the first arithmetic problem and a short explanation. They have to calculate this multiplication and write the result in the box provided. The number formed by the first two digits of the result determines the task that the pupils have to find and calculate next. The pupils write the second result in the box provided and look for the next task as described above. This goes up to the 6th result. Then they can check their solutions independently with the solution sheet. There are 12 different answer sheets, which are marked by letters. A-C are easy, D-K are medium difficult and L-M are difficult. This means that the teacher can differentiate well in this exercise

Accessible to any student: yes

Meaningful participation for every student: yes

Why?: The pupils all have to calculate on their own

Support to the practice: no

2024 | ALL-IN ED Licença Creative Commons
Funded by the European Union