At IPLE teachers (…)
At the Institut für Produktives Lernen in Europa (IPLE) teachers involve students within an age range 12-14, 15-16, >16 in a Group-centred approach at an International level.
As a Cross-curricular work, and open for all students, the Curriculum constantly connects with individual learning out of school (internships) and school-based learning. Groups of Productive Learning are implemented in regular schools of secondary education. The aims being holistic education leading to school leaving certificate and follow up perspective (vocational training or continuation of school). It serves to avoid absenteeism and early school leaving. More info at
An important factor is that meaningful participation depends on personal involvement of the student. Nevertheless, feedback shows that the vast majority evaluate their participation as positive. The most relevant aspects are self-determination (choice of learning sites and projects) and individual counselling and support. For the majority of the students a sense of achievement helps to develop optimism and interest in further learning, reaching certificates and working on a follow up perspective.