Problem solving activities

Different problem (…)

Here is another example of an engaging practice that, from a professional experience, fosters students’ SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT. By school engagement we mean students’ observable participation in school activities, sense of belonging to classmates and teachers, and valuing success in school-related goals.

It is implemented by: Youth centers, youth instructors, experience pedagogs

It is directed at students aged: 12+

Target group: Group-centered

Main subjects involved: Languages

ICT involvement:  no

Description of the practice: Different problem solving tasks that develop group dynamics. There’s no one correct answer – Through trial, error and success the group’s own solution is found. Solution is not always found, but the process is the most important thing. Adults are not offering solutions or models, they only give the ‘rules’ and goals for the activity. It’s hard to remain silent, when the students are seeking solutions.

Accessible to any student: yes

Meaningful participation for every student: Yes. A professional instructor takes into account group dynamics. For example,, if someone is left in the background and is finding it hard to participate. This also affects the choice of following tasks in a way that allows for the use of the strengths of the withdrawing student in the activity.

Support to the practice: yes

Does this practice promote students observable participation in school related activities? Yes. Experiences of success encourage participation in all activities.

Does the practice promote students sense of belonging to classmates, teachers and school? Yes. Shared experiences increase the sense of fellowship within the class and school.

Does the practice promote students giving value to success in school-related goals? Yes. Discovering new strengths is highly likely to empower oneself and thus increase school motivation.

Link with more information: Website |

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Funded by the European Union