MAP project

The MAP Project (…)

The MAP Project in Vilafranca Secondary Schools in Catalonia – Spain is a Single student-centred practice, with a Local approach for students aged 15-16.    All curricular subjects are involved:   “The subjects of the curriculum are developed by means of practical activities in school and in firms following the methodology of Productive Learning. This includes methods of individual learning, educational counselling and group work. The students and teachers feel themselves as a part of a privileged classroom with the possibility to learn in practice acquiring high competences for future life.

The objective of the experience is to obtain a school leaving certificate for secondary school  through an alternative approach. The experience is based by means of individual training plans where each student can choose the professional field where to develop it. The experience rises the self-esteem and personal development of the students and the feeling of engagement and belonging to their class and their school: they are convinced at least that they are privileged students considering the features of their project and the option to have personal and close assessment of the tutor.

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Funded by the European Union