At the beginning (…)
Here is another example of an engaging practice that, from a professional experience, fosters students’ SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT. By school engagement we mean students’ observable participation in school activities, sense of belonging to classmates and teachers, and valuing success in school-related goals.
It is implemented by: Teachers
It is directed at students aged: 12-14, 15-16, >16
Target group: Group-centered
Main subjects involved: Cross-curricular
ICT involvement: no
Description of the practice: At the beginning of the group, it is a good idea to do exercises that involve people meeting and talking to each other. The exercises should be simple and such that everyone has something to say about it. It is also important at the beginning of the group to make visible the relationships that already exist within the group. For example, informal discussions can be used to find out who comes from which school, who knows each other, etc.
At the beginning, the group can also draw up common ground rules, a code of conduct. As a leader, you can go back to the rules later if necessary, and the rules can help the group to control its activities.
The games should, for example, include simple questions and feedback from other students. Through this practice students get to know each other and make new friends. Hence, they also feel more settled and safe.
Accessible to any student: yes
Meaningful participation for every student: yes
Why?: Students get to know each other and make new friends.
Support to the practice: yes
Link with more information: Website |