Inclusive media education

Inclusive and (…)

Here is another example of an engaging practice that, from a professional experience, fosters students’ SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT. By school engagement we mean students’ observable participation in school activities, sense of belonging to classmates and teachers, and valuing success in school-related goals.

It is implemented by: Inclusive and Creative Media Education (ICME) project & National Audiovisual Insitute (Finland)

It is directed at students aged:  All ages

Target group: Children, Youth, Adults

Main subjects involved: All

ICT involvement:  yes

Description of the practice: Inclusive and Creative Media Education (ICME) project aims to develop operational models of innovative media literacy activities that can be shared and scaled up successfully in different media educational contexts crossing cultural, national, and linguistic borders from inclusive and creative perspectives.

Instructional principles
The instructional principles for inclusive media literacy help media educators in different fields to reflect and find ways to improve their own practice.
A PDF and a video series are available here:
Instructional principles
Find out the guidelines and plan activities accordingly;
Reflect on your own activities, attitudes, competences, and development needs;
Review your resources and plan your media education within them;
Cooperate where possible;
Use content and materials that support equality;
Implement media education in a participatory and context-oriented manner;
Increase participation in all phases of the operation;
Take care of accessibility;
Create a safer space to learn and act; and
Be ready to adjust according to the situation

Accessible to any student: yes

Meaningful participation for every student: yes

Why? Innovative media literacy activities can be shared and scaled up successfully in different media educational contexts

Support to the practice: no

Link with more information: Website |

2024 | ALL-IN ED Licença Creative Commons
Funded by the European Union