Happy Hour!

In addition to (…)

Here is another example of an engaging practice that, from a professional experience, fosters students’ SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT. By school engagement we mean students’ observable participation in school activities, sense of belonging to classmates and teachers, and valuing success in school-related goals.

It is implemented by: Teachers

It is directed at students aged: 9-11

Target group: Class-centred

Main subjects involved: Languages

ICT involvement:  yes

Description of the practice: The “Happy hour” is a moment in Portuguese classes when students can enjoy time in a different way. Students have the possibility to own the time and make decisions on how to use that time, for example to use it for assessment purposes, as they please, having the chance to improve a grade, for instance: a scheduled formal speaking evaluation didn’t meet their expectations, and that they feel they should have a higher grade, “the happy hour” is the moment to show off those skills.

All students become aware of their potential. The Happy Hour aims to give a moment to each student: they are the owners of a few minutes in which they are listened to by everyone. This activity, carried out after a speaking, writing or other assessment, is usually eagerly awaited because of its informal and liberating nature, with the benefit of the real possibility of improving the grade.

This is a practice that has been implemented only in my classes, and it has only very recently come to other colleagues´ awareness.

Accessible to any student: yes

Meaningful participation for every student: yes

Why? All students are involved and motivated to take part a use their time imaginatively.

Support to the practice: no

2024 | ALL-IN ED Licença Creative Commons
Funded by the European Union