Enabling students to plan their own learning and work

In your own (…)

Here is another example of an engaging practice that, from a professional experience, fosters students’ SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT. By school engagement we mean students’ observable participation in school activities, sense of belonging to classmates and teachers, and valuing success in school-related goals.

It is implemented by: Teachers and other educational professionals

It is directed at students aged:  12-14, 15-16

Target group: Single student-centered

Main subjects involved: Arts, Cross-curricular

ICT involvement:  no

Description of the practice: In your own subject, the aim is to give students as much control as possible over how they learn and do best. The aim is for students to discover their own strengths and the ways in which they can best express themselves.

“We can empower our students to be in charge of their own learning by creating interesting, open-ended tasks that target real-world skills, meet our learning objectives, and enable students to make choices and then measure and reflect on their progress”. (https://www.edutopia.org/article/putting-students-charge-their-learning/)

Accessible to any student: no

Meaningful participation for every student: no

Why?: Some students simply lack the ability to work independently and on their own initiative. In such cases, teaching and lesson structures have to be adapted to each student’s level of ability.

Support to the practice: yes

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Funded by the European Union