6th Transnational Meeting - Finland

The 6th and final Transnational Meeting took place in Jyväskylä, Finland, in September 2023 and constituted the opportunity for the dissemination of materials collected on the website and the guideline.

The All-in Ed dissemination sessions were part of the University Conference:

Good practices for engaging students in school and preventing school absenteeism and dropout – Hyvät käytänteet oppilaiden kouluun kiinnittämiseksi sekä koulupoissaolojen ja -pudokkuuden ehkäisemiseksi

All-in Ed Erasmus+ Project Closing Seminar

Tuesday, September 26, 2023, from 12:00 to 16:30
Online via Zoom & Helena Hall, Ruusupuisto (Alvar Aallon katu 9),
Department of Teacher Education, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

A seminar intended for teachers, principals, and other school staff, teacher educators, teacher students, guardians, decision-makers, and anyone interested in the topic!

What factors affect student engagement in school? What can we do to promote student engagement? The seminar will explore these issues from different perspectives. Additionally, we will present practices collected from European schools that foster student engagement. We will also unveil a digital tool developed within the project, aimed at teachers, which enables them to assess their own engagement-supporting practices.
Organisation by:
Mari Hankala & Tuomo Virtanen
mari.hankala@jyu.fi tuomo.e.virtanen@jyu.fi


Project website all-in-ed.com

Besides the rich PROGRAM of the Conference, during the final Meeting of the Project the team had the chance to evaluate the work and define the key lines of the final report.