5th Transnational Meeting - Germany

The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in May 2023 in Germany, under the title “Final report with the results of the evaluation and the conclusions of the process”. The work sessions focused on the ongoing work, namely the conclusion of the guideline. From the work of the All-in-Ed Team a set of work tools also derived, that can be used towards teacher training at a later stage.

The transnational project meeting held in Germany enabled the teams to complete their work on the guide and the content and updating of the all in Ed project website. The tools built in the working groups were tested with a view to optimising them and adapting them better to different audiences. This involved not only teacher educators and mobility technicians from the different partner schools, but also teachers from the host school in Gerolstein.

The teams were also able to learn about the use of ICT in an educational context and how to make the most of robotics in a multidisciplinary learning context.

It was also an important opportunity for the German team to provide the other partners with contact with motivating practices developed not only in their school but also by their partners and institutions in the local community, namely the municipal management partners and the special education school Hubertus-Rader- Forderzentrum Gerolstein.

At another moment in the meeting, the student teachers from the Finnish University presented the outcomes of their research and the stage of their Master thesis about student engagement.