3rd Transnational Meeting - Spain

The 3rd Transnational Meeting was held in Manlleu, Spain, between the 30th January and the 3rd February and it mainly focused on the development of a Guideline, to be used to improve engaging practices, by making them more effective.

The project result No 2, the Guideline for inclusive actions, intends to help teachers/educators/tutors improve their practices, therefore promotintg motivation, inclusion and engagement to prevent early school leaving.

During this transnational meeting, the project partners worked on developing the Guideline with the intent of analysing and evaluating educational practices and the possibility of improving them through a set of facilitators. The theoretical framework for this work was monitored by the university of Jyväskylä, which enabled the development of an user-friendly and intuitive tool that can be applied by any teacher or educator.

The meeting in Spain also enabled work to be carried out within the multinational groups, that worked on creating content for the project website, developing the press book and the project’s communication and dissemination strategies, as well as analysing the interactive tool to be used to make the guide available via the website. Groups were also set up and work priorities were defined in terms of content production and translating the guide into the various official languages of the project’s partners.

At another moment in the meeting, the student teachers from the University of Jyväskylä presented the outcomes of their research and the stage of their work for the Bachelor and Master thesis in the context of the topic student engagement.

It was also an important opportunity for the Spanish team to give the other partners contact with motivating practices developed not only in their school but also by their partners and institutions in the local community.